High quality custom sports kits | Zapkam

Current average lead time = 5 weeks  |  Visits to our showroom are strictly by appointment

Our Quality


To ensure that our quality is at the top of its game, here are a few things that we check:


Our quality control staff have a detailed checking sheet which has to pass multiple checks.


Every club logo and sponsor logo is signed off by 3 members of quality control staff, at our factory and by at least 1 member of staff, at head office.


We produce a detailed specification sheet for your approval prior to producing your products ensuring the best possible accuracy.


After care is as important to us as your original sale.


We have over 15 years of experience in custom sports wear.


We have thousands of happy teams using our kit worldwide.

Want to know more about our quality? Request a call back...

Request a call back

Contact Us

If you would like to visit us, please always call ahead and set an appointment to avoid a wasted journey. Although we have a showroom area, our staff are often out at appointments visiting our customers, so someone may not always be available.


UK: 03300 249110
International: 0044 3300 249110



Unit 12 Gabwell Business Centre,
Quadrant Way, Hardwicke,
Gloucester, GL2 2JH,
United Kingdom

 Head Office : United Kingdom

Company No. 6239798
VAT Registration No. 937984165

 Opening hours:

Office working hours Monday - Friday, 8.30am - 4.30pm

3D Kit Designer

Customise the colour of your kit then add logos, numbers, names and initials in few easy steps. Choose your sport or team wear item and start designing your dream kit today.

© Zapkam Limited 2006-2025. Zapkam is a registered trademark owned by Zapkam Limited. The ZK logo, the "We Know About Sport" slogan, product designs and website designs are the copyright of Zapkam Limited and must not be copied without written permission.